

Python - Milstone project 3 for Code Institute

Responsive Mockup

Link to game site

Project Summary

Sport Teams Hangman is a word guessing game that runs in the terminal. It’s a text-based game and the user will operate it from the command line.

It´s up to the player to identify a hidden sport team. The sport teams are from USA leagues: NBA, NFL, NHL and NPSL.

In each round, the player guesses a character (number or letter): if it’s present in the word, all instances are revealed; otherwise one of the hangman’s body parts is drawn in on a gibbet. The game ends in a win if the team is entirely revealed by correct guesses, and ends in loss if the hangman’s body is completely revealed instead. To assist the player, a visible record of all guessed letters is typically maintained.

Logic Flow Chart



Existing Features:

Game Launch

Game Launch

When launching the game a score board and welcome text is displayed. The welcome text provide the user with a short information on how to play the game. A initial state from where the hangman will display is prewritten from start. The guess-line positioned under the hangman contains some underscore spaces (depending on how many words and characters there’s in the secret team). The blanks/underscored space will be replaced with correct characters when guessed. The current team is picked randomly from the teams.py file Below the current team is a input where the user can guess a character for the secret team.

Correct Guess

Correct Guess

When a character is correctly guessed, the user will get feedback that correct character has been picked. The correct character will be added to the current team as well to a line were all “used characters” is shown.

Wrong Guess

Wrong Guess

When user make a wrong guess feedback will be providen that the user made a wrong guess, and a part of the hangman illustration will be added to the board, and one game-life will be withdrawn. The huessed character will be added to “used characters”.

Win Game

Win Game

The game is won when the user has guessed the correct team before running out of game-life/chances. One score will be added to the win-side on the scoreboard. The user will be asked if they want to play again. By pressing Y/N (yes/no) the user return their input.

Game Over

Game Over

The game is over and the hangman is hung when the user has made totaly 9 wrong guesses. The correct word/team will be displayd for feedback to the user. And one score will be added to the lost-side on the scoreboard. The user will be asked if they want to play again. By pressing Y/N (yes/no) the user return their input.

Score Board

Score Board

The score board count the amount of wins and losses during a play session. Once the game is restarted the counts will set back to zero.

Features Left to Implement:

Technologies used:



Manual Testing:

Validator Testing:

This project was tested with the following browsers:

The following steps were taken:

Issues / Unfixed Bugs:


This application will be deployed via Heroku

Setting up Heroku App

Deployment through Heroku

How to Fork the respository

How to clone the repository

